Welcome to our Gardening Club Rhydlewis and District Gardening Club has been around since the time of Adam and Eve. In fact, it is believed that one of our members planted and tended the very apple tree that gave rise to the pair being expelled from the garden!!

Whether this urban myth is true or not, the club is here to encourage, improve and extend the members' knowledge of all branches of horticulture. It is open to everyone and new members are all always welcome to come along.

Our activities during the year include a varied programme of talks and social events, summer garden visits, a plant sale, social gatherings/bbq and an annual open show in August.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


I was very sad to miss Carrie Fisher’s talk on the 29th April; SOMETHING DIFFERENT FROM SEED, but there was an excellent turnout and lots of great feedback.

Vicky Wade, a member from Brongest reported back;
 I was completely inspired by Carrie’s talk. Everytime she talked about a plant I was thinking; Oh! I used to grow that! Back home, I cleared the potting shed and found lots of lost packets of flower seeds. I have planted the lot! Thank you Carrie - I’m hoping for a great show this summer.

The next meeting is the Bring and Buy; please do both if you can, or just one of them, or  if you don’t have spare plants or need any -  just come anyway.

I’ll be coming among your to ask if you are planning to come to the Garden Visit; this is at the end of July, this year, not June as it usually is, but have a think about this as I’ll be taking numbers and also taking orders for food - as usual we’ll be meeting for a meal after the event.