Welcome to our Gardening Club Rhydlewis and District Gardening Club has been around since the time of Adam and Eve. In fact, it is believed that one of our members planted and tended the very apple tree that gave rise to the pair being expelled from the garden!!

Whether this urban myth is true or not, the club is here to encourage, improve and extend the members' knowledge of all branches of horticulture. It is open to everyone and new members are all always welcome to come along.

Our activities during the year include a varied programme of talks and social events, summer garden visits, a plant sale, social gatherings/bbq and an annual open show in August.

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Drefach Felindre Plant Sale now On!


Due to the current circumstances Drefach Felindre Garding Club is holding their Plant Sale on-line for the first time.

  The list of plants available and prices is now available so just go to the "Plant Sale List" tab to see what is on offer.   They open for orders on Saturday, 1st May (running until the 8th May) so get your order in by reading the list of plants, making your own list and emailing junejenkins16@btinternet.com You pay cash on collections.  Arrangements for plant pick up will be made with you.


We hope that will be able to support the gardening club by donating or buying plants - or even better by doing both!

Helen Chairperson of DFGC


Drefach Felindre Gardening Club Plant Sale

Open for orders from Saturday, 1st May until Saturday, 8th May

Three really tough, reliable, hardy perennials

1. Hardy geraniums – some from seed but should flower this year - may have cross pollinated.

Buxtons blue, Johnsons blue and various - £1
2. Maltese cross - from seed but should flower this year -

50p - £1 each depending on size

3. SelenumWallichianum – milk parsley ‘queen of umbellifers’ /’the most beautiful of the fern leafed plants’. From seed – enjoy foliage this year and flowers from next year on - 50p - £1 each depending on size

Birds, Bees and Butterflies:

1. Tithonia - Mexican sunflower. An annual, large bushy plant which flowers until the first frost - 50p - £1 each depending on size

2. Mountain Cornflower
Perennial cornflower has furry, blue green leaves in the spring. Flowers all summer (this photo was taken in November) and loved by bees. Easy ground cover - £1

3. Dahlias - Bishop type (grown from seed) Will flower the first year. Long flowering season. Good in containers -
Also Mignon mixed and Redskin seedlings -
Some potted tubers available from last years seedlings - £1

4. Sunflowers – produce lots of flowers on each plant – leave some to go to seed for the birds - 50p

5. Asters – Michaelmas daisy and white - £1 - £1.50 per pot

Other Flowers:

Hellebores -
French marigolds -
Nasturtiums - Blue Pepe -
Trailing Geraniums (Deep red/mauve) - Aquilegias - £1
Ophiopogon - £1
Campanula - £1
Saxifrage -

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50p - £1 each depending on size


50p - £1 each depending on size


50p - £1 each depending on size


50p - £1 each depending on size


50p - £1 each depending on size




50p - £1 each depending on size.


Senecio grey -
Solidago yellow rod - £2 each
Hostas - £3.50
Verbena Bonariensis; has purple flowers on long stems from June on - 50p
Cosmos: dwarf, mixed colours, flowering soon - £1
Rudbekia: dwarf, mixed colours of red, brown and gold, flowers from July on - 50p Lavender plants; from cuttings last year - £1
Trachelium purple - £1
Potentilla -low growing yellow - £1
Echinops - £1
Sedum - £1
Sidalcea - £1
Anthemis punctata - £1

Limonium - £1
Allium haine - £1
Astilbe - £1
Linaria - 50p
Green finch - £1
Achillea –yellow - £1 Ragged robin - £1
Malva - £1

Grasses: variouscarexaurea, pheasant grass, shaking grass - £1

Shrubs: hebes, roses, berberis, Viburnum plicatum, cotoneaster horizontalis and climber, Dogwoods, Hypericum -

£1.50 - £3.00

Rosarugosa old fashion rose smells beautiful - £3 each

2 in a pot Photinia red robin - £2 Aucuba Japonica spotted Laurel - 2 in a pot Portuguese Laurel - Forsythia - £3

Cistus dark pink flowers open in the morning through June and July - £1 1 Viburnum Tinus - flowers all winter -




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Mahonia -

poplar -

Tomato Plants: Alicante, Urbikany,

Other Veg & Herbs:


Watercress -

Red cabbage - Runner Beans -

French Tarragon (HP) -

Rooted golden willow cuttings, Variegated

Trees: Red oaks, Norway maple, Sweet chestnut, Oak, Holly, Tamarisk, Hawthorn,


Koelreuteria, Yew, Deciduous cotoneaster.


£1.00 - £3.50


Black Cherry, Tigerella, Amish Paste, San Marzano, Raspberry


Oxheart, Yellow Stuffer, Green Grape,Irish Gard. Delight, Sub Arctic Plenty -

50p - £1

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each depending on size


Butternut Squash: Waltham -

Pumpkin: Queensland Blue -

50p - £1 each depending on size

50p -

£1 each depending on size

Melon –Ogen -

50p - £1 each depending on size

Courgette Defender, Verdi di Italia -

50p - £1 each depending on size

Peppers– Marconi, Corno di toro rosso, King of the North -

50p - £1 each depending on

Chillis– mild long, prairie fire (windowsill chilli) -

Yacon– in pots and growing -

50p - £1 each depending on size

£1.50 each

50p - £1 each depending on size

Celeriac -

50p - £1 each depending on size

50p - £1 each depending on size

£1.50 for 8

Herbs: Sage, Basil, Parsley, Chives, Mint (ginger, apple, spearmint), lemon balm,

50p - £1 each depending on size


6 strawberry plants -


Coleus: young plants grown from seed this spring, attractive foliage - 50p
Oxalis Triangularis (False Shamrock): burgundy red clover like foliage that closes at night, very unusual plant - £2
ChorophytumComosum (Spider plant): an easy care plant with attractive foliage - £1 Begonia Masoniana (Iron Cross Begonia): striking foliage with a burgundy cross at the leaf centre - £2