Welcome to our Gardening Club Rhydlewis and District Gardening Club has been around since the time of Adam and Eve. In fact, it is believed that one of our members planted and tended the very apple tree that gave rise to the pair being expelled from the garden!!

Whether this urban myth is true or not, the club is here to encourage, improve and extend the members' knowledge of all branches of horticulture. It is open to everyone and new members are all always welcome to come along.

Our activities during the year include a varied programme of talks and social events, summer garden visits, a plant sale, social gatherings/bbq and an annual open show in August.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

The Rhydlewis Gardenin Club Spring Show 2018

We were all on tenterhooks about this year's Spring Show: after heavy falls of snow all the way through March, what would people have left in their gardens to exhibit? But

Squirrels' Larders
miraculously, most of the flowering bulbs seemed to recover, as if they'd just had an extra-deep slumber for a couple of weeks, allowing our master arrangers to come up with wonderful fantasies such as class 17A floral arrangement entitled, ‘A Squirrel’s Larder’. 

Class 30

Sara Redman and Chair Liz Blakler
There was a fabulous display of tulips for the Members' only award: the  PAM HUFFERDINE TROPHY – Best Exhibit in class 30 - A pot of Tulips, grown from bulbs supplied last autumn. Sara Redman won this award. Sara is holding a July visit to her own gardens at Llain Manal, Penrhiwpal, on this year's progamme…A VISIT TO THE FLOWER MEADOW.

The hellebore heads looked amazing, floating in their dishes

THE DERRICK AND BARBARA CALOW MEMORIAL CUP – Best Exhibit in classes 1-15, that is the spring flower catagories, was won by Janette Sharman for her wonderful narcissi and other spring bulbs.

However, the most excitement was that a new shield had been created,  The Artisan Shield, awarded for the most points gained in the home craft and creative categories. This was won by Sophie Heath, for her delicious home cooking. It was presented to Sophie (and her daughter, Georgia), by chairperson, Liz Blackler.

A good turn out of exhibits, but more importantly, a lovely crowd of locals gathering in the evening to enjoy walking around the tables, sharing refreshments, and taking part in the raffle and auction.

Rhydlewis Gardening Club meets on the last Tuesday of each month in the village hall, and has a varied and interesting programme.  Club membership is only £10 per year, non-members £2 per meeting – all welcome.

Our next meeting is on the 24th April, at 7.30 – GROWING ORCHIDS – we are welcoming Rhydlewis-based naturalist Sue Parker, founder of First Nature, who will to talk about how to get the best indoors from these exotic flowers, and about our indigenous orchid population.

If you'd like more information please phone the chairperson, Liz Blackler 01239 851851 or the secretary, NIna Milton01239 851096, or email us at ninahare00@googlemail.com


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